The purpose of the Personnel Ministry is to manage all personnel and budget matters related to church positions and employment. 

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Develop, review and update job descriptions.
  • Evaluate positions and recommend to the Trustee Ministry additions and deletions of positions.
  • Work with the Budget Committee to determine compensation for positions.
  • Receive resumes from candidates seeking employment, with the exception of the Pastor’s position.
  • Interview and recommend qualified candidates to the Pastor.
  • Evaluate all salaried employees annually.


  • The Personnel Ministry shall be comprised of three (3) members appointed by the Pastor to serve a four (4) year term.
  • This Ministry shall include one (1) Deacon, one (1) Trustee and one (1) church member with knowledge and/or experience in personnel matters.

To avoid conflict of interest, no one shall be appointed to the Personnel Ministry who has an immediate family member employed by the church in any capacity.  Members of the Personnel Ministry should notify the ministry chairperson immediately if any applicant is related so that the related ministry member can recuse himself/herself in discussions regarding hiring, dismissal, or salary for that individual.  The Pastor shall appoint an appropriate person to fill in for the recused member (i.e. Deacon for Deacon, Trustee for Trustee and church member for church member).